Rezumate Vitalitate si Longevitate
Introduction: The global population aging comes with a series of challenges regarding the quality of life on long-lived older persons.
The risk of osteoporosis complications in elderly individuals with frailty syndrome
Frailty is a common geriatric syndrome that represents an increased risk of severe declines in health and function among older adults.
Abstract – Stress, ally or enemy in performance: an interdisciplinary perspective on performance anxiety
Through an interdisciplinary lens, this study examines performance anxiety, a phenomena marked by worry, fear and nervousness in evaluative situations, with a particular focus on its effects in the performing arts, sports, and education.
Aging is an irreversible and individualized process, manifesting on biological, psychological, and social levels, but it can be slowed down if we act in time.
Management and Effects of Chronic Kidney Disease in Elderly
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) presents a significant challenge for healthcare professionals, impacting patients across all age groups—elderly, adults, and children. Although CKD is most prevalent among older adults, early detection and intervention can reduce its adverse effects on health and help preserve the quality of life of those affected.
Cercetare interdisciplinară asupra longevității și stilului de viață sănătos
Omul modern trăiește cu politici vechi de sănătate și educație, fără să interiorizeze noțiunile de bază, importante în definirea unui stil de viață echilibrat, personalizat, care să susțină performanța fizică și cognitivă.
Tehnologiile emergente și longevitatea
SUMAR: Tehnologiile emergente, precum inteligența artificială, blockchain-ul, IoT, realitatea augmentată și biotehnologia, revoluționează industrii și stiluri de viață prin capacitatea lor de a oferi soluții inovatoare pentru sănătate și longevitate.
Key Features and Challenges of Chronic Kidney Disease in Elderly Patients
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is common among older adults and linked with high mortality, cardiovascular complications, and increased healthcare use.
Abstract. Researchers have been intensively studying the interplay between the gut microbiome, cognition and epigenetics, highlighting how these systems work together to shape our health and well-being.
Professor Ana Aslan was an emblematic figure of Romanian medicine and also of the whole world. She had significant contributions to the development of medicine of old age, known as Geriatrics, and to another related field, Gerontology.
Strategies for Preventing Neurocognitive Disorders in the Elderly
Preventive measures against cognitive decline and dementia in the elderly are essential for maintaining long-term independence and functionality, as well as reducing the social and economic burden of long-term care.
Advancing Cardiovascular Health and Longevity: The Impact of Telemedicine on Cardiac Rehabilitation in Romania
Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) remain the leading cause of death worldwide, with over 18.6 million deaths annually, as reported by the American Heart Association in 2021.
Objectives: Population aging is closely linked to declining birth rates and increasing life expectancy.
The rehabilitation management of geriatric patients: Approaches and strategies
Objectives: Rehabilitation plays an essential role in the care of elderly patients, having the main objective to improve the quality of life by developing physical independence and social reintegration.
Objective. The aim of the study was to identify art-therapeutic techniques effective in reducing depression scores in patients with depressive disorders or depression associated with somatic diseases and therapeutic tools for measuring progress.
The pivotal role of Geriatrics and Gerontology in an aging Europe
Abstract:With longevity on the rise, more and more people will live longer but not necessarily healthier lives. The gap between life expectancy at birth and disability-free life expectancy at age 60 continues to grow.
Neurofeedback brain regulation optimising elderly neuroplasticity
Is well known that our brain has a period of development and now several studies have shown that neuroplasticity does not stop when we get old, so it is important to use all methods available to keep our brain young.
Stimată doamnă/stimate domnule,
Avem plăcerea de a vă invita la manifestarea științifică națională cu participare internațională cu tema: „VITALITATE ȘI LONGEVITATE”, manifestare dedicată experților din domeniu fie ca participant, fie ca susținător al unei lucrări științifice. Evenimentul va avea loc în perioada 13-15 noiembrie la sediul Academiei Oamenilor de Știință din România, Str. Ilfov nr. 3, București.
Pentru susținerea lucrărilor, menționăm că perioada de înscriere are ca dată limită 11.11.2024, sens în care vă rugăm să ne comunicați titlul, autorii și afilierea acestora, rezumatul lucrării (200-250 cuvinte) și 5-7 cuvinte cheie în limba engleză și în format APA 7 în format electronic la adresa de e-mail Acestea pot fi transmise de dumneavoastră sau de personalul coordonat de către dumneavoastră. Întrucât participarea este internațională, prezentările vor fi susținute și în limba engleză.
Institutul Național de Gerontologie și Geriatrie „Ana Aslan” își propune să continue activitatea de înaltă calitate a profesoarei, nu doar din punct de vedere clinic, ci și din punct de vedere științific. Întrucât inovația se bazează pe colaborări interdisciplinare și pe comunicarea dintre experți, I.N.G.G. „Ana Aslan” va organiza manifestarea științifică „VITALITATE ȘI LONGEVITATE” pentru a continua demersurile către inovare.
Manifestarea științifică anterior menționată este organizată în format hibrid la nivel național cu participare internațională în parteneriat cu Universitatea de Medicină și Farmacie „Carol Davila”, Academia Oamenilor de Știință din România (AOȘR), Institutul de Cercetări Avansate Interdisciplinare „Constantin Angelescu” (ICAI) din subordinea AOȘR, parteneriate la care se vor alătura instituțiile care vor confirma participarea.
Linkul de participare pe platforma Zoom va fi transmis la adresa de e-mail comunicată iar rezumatele lucrărilor vor fi publicate atât pe site-ul Institutului, cât și în revista acestuia.
Cu deosebită considerație,
Dear Sir/Madam,
The “Ana Aslan” National Institute of Gerontology and Geriatrics (N.I.G.G. “Ana Aslan”) has the mission to continue the Professor’s high quality work, not just from a clinical standpoint, but also from a scientific perspective. Therefore, given that scientific innovation is based on the interdisciplinary collaboration between experts, N.I.G.G. “Ana Aslan” will be organising the “Vitality and Longevity” national scientific conference, with international participation on 13th-15th November 2024 in order to aid researchers’ efforts to innovate.
The national conference is organised in a hybrid format, and it is open to international guests. N.I.G.G. “Ana Aslan” ’s partnerships with The “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, with The Academy of Romanian Scientists, and with The “Constantin Angelescu” Institute of Advanced Interdisciplinary Research (from The Academy of Romanian Scientists) are the facilitators of this event. Moreover, the list of partnerships can be extended to the institutions confirming their participation.
We are delighted to invite you to this expert dedicated event either as a participant, and/or as a speaker. If you are interested in presenting a paper, please submit an APA 7 English-written document containing the title, authors (including their affiliation and their contact details), the abstract of the paper (200-250 words), and 5-7 keywords by 11th November, 2024. You can submit it yourself, or you can choose a representative to submit it for you. The document should be sent to the following email address: All papers will be presented in English in order to ensure a pleasant experience for the international participants.
The Zoom participation link will be sent to the email address you provide. We will communicate the location of the event shortly. The submitted abstracts will be published on both the N.I.G.G. “Ana Aslan” ’s website, and in the future volume of its scientific journal.
Yours sincerely,